Disabled Persons -RIGHTS


Declaration On The Rights of Disabled Persons:

The Declaration of the Rights of Disabled persons was a declaration of the General Assembly of the United Nations made on 9 Dec 1975. It is the 3447th resolution made by by the Assembly.

The disabled person shall enjoy all rights contained in this declaration without distinction or discrimination. The disabled persons have inherent rights to respect for their human dignity and irrespective of the origin, nature and seriousness of their handicaps and disabilities, have same Fundamental Rights. Disabled persons have the same civil and political rights as other human beings. Disabled persons are entitled to the measures designed to enable them to become as self-reliant as possible. Disabled persons have the right to economic and social security, including the right, according to their capabilities, to secure and retain employment or to engage in a useful, productive and remunerative occupation and to join trade unions. Disabled persons have the right to live with their families or with foster parents and to participate in all social, creative or recreational activities. Disabled persons shall be protected against all exploitation and treatment of a discriminatory, abusive or degrading nature.


The Convention On The Rights of Persons With Disabilities:

The Convention on the Rights of Disabilities is an international human rights treaty of the United Nations intended to protect the Rights and dignity of persons with disabilities. Parties to the convention are required to promote , protect and ensure the full enjoyment of human rights by persons with disabilities and ensure that they enjoy full equality under the law.

In the charter of the United Nations it is proclaimed that the inherent dignity and worth and the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world. Similarly, the United Nations, in the universal declaration of human rights and in the International covenants on Economic, Social and cultural rights. It is supposed that the convention would make a significant contribution to redressing the profound social disadvantage of persons with disabilities and promote their participation in the civil, political, economic, and social and cultural spheres with equal opportunities, in both developing and developed countries. The convention on the Rights of Persons with disabilities deals with matters such as, general principles on the basis of which the rights of the disabled persons are to be promoted and protected, the obligations that have been undertaken by the State parties to adopt measures. The protocol has been added to the present convention authorizing the Committee on the Peron with Disabilities to receive and consider communications from or on behalf of individuals or groups of individuals, who claim to be victims of a violation by a State party of the provisions of the present convention


Constitutional Rights of Disabled Persons:


Prohibition of Discrimination:

Article 15 is a manifestation of “Right to Equality” under article 14, as it enshrines a specific dimension of the principles of equality relating to discrimination by state or various grounds . Under article 15 the protection extends only to citizens , unlike article 14 which protects ‘ any person’ . Thus in application article 15 protects from discriminatory state activities but the ambit of article 15 is narrower than that of article 14.
Article 15 of the Indian constitution deals with “prohibition of discrimination” on the grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth.


Rights of Disabled Persons In India:

Persons with disabilities are one of the most neglected sections of our nation. This is due to the sheer indifference of the society which subjects such people to disapproval and antipathy. Such people have several rights under various Indian laws as well as UN conventions that are followed in India. Under section 2(i) of Persons with Disabilities Act, 1995,"disability" includes blindness, low vision, leprosy cured, hearing impairment, locomotor disability, mental retardation and mental illness.

Person With Disabilities Act 1995

The Persons with Disabilities Act , 1995 had come into enforcement on Feb 7, 1996. It is a significant step which ensures equal opportunities for the people with disabilities and their full participation in the nation building . The Act provides for both the preventive and promotional aspects of rehabilitation like education , employment and vocational training, reservation , research and manpower development and rehabilitation of persons with disability , unemployment allowance for the disabled persons.

Main Provisions of the Act:
1) Prevention and Early Detection of Disabilities
2) Education
3) Employment
4) Non discrimination
5) Social Security
6 ) Research and manpower development
7) Grievance Redress In Jared Abiding v. Union of India the supreme Court bearing in mind the discomfort and harassment suffering by a person of locomotor so disability would face while travelling by train particularly to far off places issued directions to the Indian Airlines to grant persons suffering from locomotor so disability to the extent of 80%.


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