
Showing posts from November, 2022


  DEVELOPMENT CYRUS The origins of Human Rights are ideally pinpointed to the year 539 BC. When the troops of Cyrus the Great conquered Babylon. Cyrus freed the slaves, declared that all people had the right to choose their own religion, and established racial equality. These and other principles were recorded on a baked-clay cylinder known as the Cyrus Cylinder, whose provisions served as inspiration for the first four Articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Middle Ages -   During the era,  notable thinkers like Albert (1079-1142) and Thomas (1224-1274) developed the Theory of Natural Law as a higher Principle of Law to be derived from reason. But, neither of the two make the human personality as the main focus of law and social life.  Thomas Aquinas believed in and favored the existence of slavery.  More emphasis was laid on the development of the principle of sovereignty and not on the development of the theory of human ri...


  MEANING  The term Human Rights denotes all those rights which are inherent in their nature and without which we cannot live as human beings.  Human Rights being eternal part of the nature of nature of human beings. “Human rights” are rights inherent to all human beings, regardless of our nationality, residence, sex, sexual orientation and gender identity, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, language or any other status. We are all equally entitled to our human rights without discrimination.   This is the modern concept of our fundamental rights but it was not always this way.  The belief that everyone, by virtue of her or his humanity, is entitled to certain human rights is fairly new and is something stemming from an evolution of the consideration of human dignity over the last centuries.  Its roots lie in earlier tradition and documents of many cultures.   According to Prof. Herald Laski “rights are those conditions of soci...